Blog Post
Money Saving Tips to Fund Your Higher Education If you’re considering going back to college to boost your credentials, you’re probably on the lookout for money-saving strategies. Here are dollar-stretching tips to keep you at the top of your class. Fill Out FAFSA If you’re looking to continue your...
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Avoid Using Your Savings For the Unneeded Things Sometimes there’s not enough room in the budget for extras. Perhaps you have your eye on a new pair of shoes, are eager to upgrade your living room with a new couch or you have to be the first in your friend group to possess the latest gadget. If you...
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Make the Home Improvements You Want With The Equity In Your Home You found your dream home and settled down, so now what? Ready to tackle some of those honey-do wish list improvement projects? Why not use the equity you have built in your home to check some of those items off your list and...
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Practices that reduce your spending and save you money The foundation of successfully managing your finances is budgeting, and a pillar of budgeting is learning to distinguish your needs from your wants. If you can’t differentiate those, you could wind up overspending on luxuries that you can’t...
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Learn More About Direct Deposit It’s easy to take conveniences like direct deposit for granted without fully understanding how it works or why you should use it. You may have questions concerning direct deposit, so we want to make sure you fully understand the system. How Does Direct Deposit Work...