
Article | 5 min |
While businesses can’t do much to avoid interest rates and inflation on a macro level, this does not mean they have to shy away from goals and growth until the problem resolves itself. Strengthening your vendor/supplier relationships is a good way to mitigate these uncertain times. Read more here. The Federal Reserve has made some historical moves this past year, hiking rates by three-quarters of a percentage point—the most significant increase since 1994— twice, in both June and July. Interest rates are the most potent weapon the Fed wields against inflation—inflation that reached record...
Article | 5 min |
Owning or renting: which is actually a better strategy during inflationary times? With inflation climbing, you should consider all the factors associated with buying property as you navigate the CRE market. Read more as we delve into this issue. In an attempt to curb inflation, the Federal Reserve has embarked on a series of aggressive interest rate hikes over the course of 2022. The Fed raised rates by half a percentage point in May, followed by historically high three-quarters of a point hikes back-to-back in June and July. Fed officials have signaled that they expect to reach 3.25–3.5%...
Article | 5 min |
As of May 2022, annual inflation hit 8.6%, and the Fed hiked interest rates by .75%, begging questions about the future of CRE and equipment loans. Find out more as we pick apart CRE loans, diving into what business leaders across all branches of industry need to know moving forward. For those looking to expand or even break ground, understanding how inflation and rising rates will affect your CRE and equipment loans is crucial to financial success. Everyone has felt inflation's sting in one way or another. Supply chain issues persist in the waning days of the pandemic; meanwhile, the...
Article | 5 min. |
Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Investments to Be Fueled by the 2021 Infrastructure Bill? With the inception of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, (IIJA) in November 2021, many manufacturing executives are already taking this opportunity to increase operational efficiency by investing in the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) to connect machinery and automate processes. Find out why now is the time to invest in industry 4.0 manufacturing technologies. Read more here. Back in November, Congress passed and President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) . This...
Article | 7 min |
American farmers contribute significantly to the overall US GDP annually and figures in this regard highlight just how significant their services are. The last two years, in particular, have seen significant growth as farmers have looked to expand. With this level of growth, however, comes more overheads—particularly in the form of software and tech requirements. Read more here on what you should consider in your growth phase. Americans love to spend on food. According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, agriculture, food, and related industries accounted for $1.055 trillion (or 5%)...